
by Raindrop.io



Une belle manière de se rapeller de ce qui est important.Sauvegarder les liens, articles, photos, vidéos et présentations importantes & organisez-les par collections thématiques.Vos favoris sont disponibles sur votre ordinateur et votre smartphone.
Your bookmarks can be feature-rich, attractive and easy-to-use.
Collect bookmarksClip articles, photos, videos and pages from web and apps.
OrganizeOrganise bookmarks in collections and tag them. Give each collection a unique look and feel with a custom icon and save bookmarks with a screenshot or cover to find them easily at any time.
Share & CollaborateWork together on collections privately with colleagues, friends and family or make them public and share them with the rest of the world.
Sync with all devices you use every day.You can also import bookmarks from your browser and many other services.